July 29, 2010

Another Project - Cute Baby Girl Clothes

In my last post titled InfoBarrel Experiment, I discussed how I was transitioning from using InfoBarrel from a backlink generator to a money maker. A timely even on the forums pointed out an article on clothing that happens to be doing really well and a few people noticed how many inlinks the page had listed on Yahoos Site Explorer. I noted that it’s not that difficult to get a ton or inlinks if your really want to and the benefits of getting tons of them can be quite fruitful as I estimated the keyword of the page in question was probably earning somewhere around $450 per month.

Baby Girl Clothes

Of course because the page was on [blank] clothing I figured I’d hunt down a good clothing related keyword to try my hand at. I will continue working on my car insurance keywords over there but will be also working on this one article on Cute Baby Girl Clothes trying to get it to rank first on page one of G and then as high on the page as I can get. I also want to show how quickly a lot of quality backlinks can be generated with a little work rather than through shady means.

The entire article basically discussed the many different types of baby girl clothes including newborn baby clothes, infant clothes, toddler clothing for girls, and trendy, designer baby girls clothing. The article was very informative listing many boutique clothiers for little girls and babies and should it ever make it high in the SERPs it should be a valuable resource to many shoppers for cute baby girl clothes.

Anyway, this quick post on Cute Baby Girl clothes should start me off with one quality link and now I’m on to getting a whole bunch more. Good luck to all of you guys doing the same thing. And as always, I will eventually be getting a good deal of my links through guest blogging which is organized by The Keyword Academy. It’s the easiest and most efficient way to guest post period. Check it out. First month is only one buck.
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July 28, 2010

My InfoBarrel Experiment – 8 Month Review

You can see my updated InfoBarrel Review here.
My InfoBarrel Experiment

I first wrote about writing for InfoBarrel roughly eight months ago. At that time I wasn’t really planning on doing much with the site outside of the realm of sending dofollow backlinks to my blog and other online revenue sharing articles however I’ve found in eight months that this little InfoBarrel Experiment of mine is starting to change a bit.

For years many people have been building niche sites based on keywords. You see them in pretty much any websearch you do. If you think of a category of products roughly three words long and search for it chances are there will be an domain in the top of the search results which is the same exactly as your keyword search.

I started thinking about going down this road but I have opted to build blogs based on themes which cover many different related topics. Individual pages will be keyword based but the site will be big with a cohesive theme. Google seems to be favoring this more and more and I expect that sites like InfoBarrel will continue to thrive based on this trend.

There are of course many different revenue sharing websites, InfoBarrel is not the only one. I’ve written for eHow in the past as well as Xomba and HubPages but these sites have been around for a while and have lots of domain level competition already. InfoBarrel has less published content meaning there is more of a ground floor feel to the site. I’ve never had an article title rejected as being a duplicate title whereas on the other sites I find this happens quite frequently.

Furthermore my 8 month InfoBarrel experiment has showed me that the site is capable of generating income for its users. Sure it’s good for sending backlinks but I’m starting the use the site more as a revenue generator for me more frequently than ever.  It even give you a minimum of 75 percent revenue which is easily higher that similar sites like HubPages or Xomba.

Of all the places I write I actually earn more money per 1000 page views on InfoBarrel than anywhere else… which leads me to believe that investing my time there is a worthwhile endeavor. Generating 100 search visitors to InfoBarrel has become the most lucrative 1000 visitors I can get am I’m starting to see this significantly in my earnings.

I haven’t written about my residual income earnings in about three months and will have to do that once again sometime soon however this new era of my online residual income journey is going to be more focused on InfoBarrel. I will continue to backlink my blog with IB but will write on different topics on IB looking for revenue as a new focus. Essentially my new InfoBarrel Experiment will be to make significant money on InfoBarrel… possibly more than anywhere else.

InfoBarrel Earnings

Currently for every 1000 search visitors I get to my InfoBarrel articles I make $23.11. That equates to roughly $700 per month for getting 1000 search visitors every day. It may take some time to get 1000 visitors a day but not that long if you are dedicated to the task.

Just pick good keywords, The Keyword Academy can help with that ($33/month) and market them properly with dofollow backlinks, again, the Keyword Academy can help with that too. Repeat the process a bunch of times. Write hundreds of articles and you can have a significant residual income stream.

My personal InfoBarrel Experiment up until this point has revolved around using the site for backlinks but in the future this site should become my bread and butter. Earnings here should surpass all of my other sites combined… at least that’s the goal.

Of course staying diverse is very important. I will continue building my thematic keyword-centric blogs both self-hosted and freely hosted blogs like Blogger. These will obviously also continue to grow in revenue and be significant money makers but they also will help with branding and direct sales whenever I decide to start developing those channels of income. In the mean time, if you haven’t given InfoBarrel a try I suggest you do while the site is still young.

You can sign up and start your own Info Barrel experiment for yourself, just make sure to friend me and keep us all up to date on your progress, questions, and victories.  Sign up here and keep in touch.  I'll definitely chronicle my progress in this new endeavor in the near future and discuss exactly how I make the most money on the site as possible.
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July 16, 2010

Targeting Cheap Car Insurance – Is It Possible

I recently started branching out in my keyword targeting as I’ve decided to try my hand at the cheap car insurance arena. I know the niche is saturated and quite difficult but I figured hey, why not give it a go. I recently wrote a few posts over on IB titled: cheap car insurance for young drivers, cheap car insurance for 17 year olds, car insurance for young female driversinexpensive car insurance, and cheap car insurance for women.

These posts are simply good general advice articles on how to get the best prices for insurance. They are definitely not bad content but in time I imagine I will try and edit the posts to make them continually better.

In the mean time I started trying to decide a good way to get some quick lower quality dofollow backlinks from domains other than Wordpress, blogger, and InfoBarrel. I’m trying to get hooked up with SheToldMe but the signup process is approaching week 6 for me so I signed up for an account with Posterous and started my Chezfat Posterous blog.

It’s basically a blogging service like blogger but even more simplistic in nature. I type up my short post in my email and hit send. About five seconds later it posts to the site automatically and the formatting even looks pretty good too.

Anyway, as a way of “social bookmaking” for the backlinks I’ve started posting these little 100-150 word ditties over there and sending backlinks to groups of related articles. My recent post over there was on cheap new driver car insurance and obviously sent backlinks to the same three articles I linked to above. Check it out and make your own if you want some more easy backlinks. Just make sure to get your Posterous blog indexed by throwing a backlink or two at it just like you should have done backlinking your profiles to your article directory listings. Wink.

For even more backlink sources check out The Keyword Academy which I use and believe in wholeheartedly. There is also a link for this in the upper right hand side of this page.
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